ALSAN® 410
ALSAN® 410 is a ready-to-use watertight polyurethane resin, solvent-free and odorless, to be completed with an additional protection.
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ALSAN® 410 is a solution: Solvent free, odorless, suitable for indoor use Effective and sustainable: - Resistant to water penetration even stagnant. - Its elasticity allows it excellent resistance to cracking. - Perfect puncture resistance, chemical attack and to thermal. - The two layers form a monolithic elastic membrane. Economical and fast: - Allows the removal of protections header: soline band, engravure, couvertine. - Does not require full fleece. - Single-component resin, ready for use. Convenient and safe: - Liquid, it is one with all the reliefs. - Process no flame. Ideal: - for waterproofing interior parts - When the thicker or overloads are impossible: ALSAN® 410 does not exceed 2kg / m².
ALSAN® 410 is the main constituent in the ALSAN® 410,liquid waterproofing System procedure, which requires a protection layer accessible for pedestrian: tile adhesive with glue mortar or concrete (use silica on the last fresh layer) or mortar screed. ALSAN® 410 complies with APSEL rules according to SE5 requirements and ETAG 005. Specific indications regarding the application of the product can be found by referring to the technical instructions for: -Waterproofing for intermediate slabs. -Waterproofing on walls. -Waterproofing on roofs. For new work or renovation. ALSAN® 410 must be applied with a brush or a roller, according to technical instructions, from 2 to 3 layers onto primer-covered surfaces. Silica will be used on the last fresh layer of ALSAN® 410 to increase adherence with adhesive mortar. Ensure that the product is well mixed in order to obtain a proper homogenization of components. Product cleaning: use Diluant V or L (thinners).
Cans: 5 kg or 25 kg. Storage: 12 months in original, unopened container turned upside-down, away from any source of heat. Storage temperature: >5°C. Approximate consumptions: - For corners and details only: Corner reinforcement : (ALSAN® Toile de Renfort or Voile de Renfort fleece) embedded with ALSAN® 410 (500 g/m²) to be covered by the main area. - Main area: (to applied on corners and roof) 2 layers of 600g/m² on horizontal support.
ALSAN® 410 is used in the ALSAN® 410 waterproofing kit, which conforms to an European Technical Approval ETA-05/0113, confirmed by the CE marking.
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